A Pirates Tale
Authors: Blue Magic and Nuit (2006)
Outline: This story takes place at the end of
the golden age of pirating in the Caribbean- Calico Jack Rackham has been hung
for piracy, fearless buccaneers Anne Bonny and Mary Read have escaped the
gallows and now sail under their own flag. Captain Jack Sparrow and his lover, Kate, who you have met before in You Are Still Here,
now a practicing lawyer for the unfortunates who queue at her door, set out with
urgent news for two of her most notorious clients... Meanwhile on board the Chamada do Siren, Rosie and her lover, Mary Read, have no idea what awaits them
Disclaimer: This is a work of
imagination and, sorry to say, pure fiction- no money has been exchanged. Will
Turner and Jack Sparrow remain the hostages of The House of Mouse. Mary Read and
Anne Bonny were absolutely flesh and blood women pirates, for whom piracy was no
doubt less romantic than films and stories would have us believe. No harm is
Rating: R/NC17
more underneath Will Turner....